Reach Out and Read Commemorates Milestone with Inclusive Book Collection

(Publishers Weekly)

Families in underserved communities paying a visit to the doctor will soon find something special for them in the waiting room. Thanks to a joint effort between Reach Out and Read and Scholastic, 350,000 copies of a curated 35-book collection will be distributed to medical clinics nationwide, providing greater opportunities for parents to bond with their children through reading and foster early literacy.

Turning a Page, Opening a Window

Reach Out and Read’s $1 million collection, aptly dubbed 35 for 35, marks the nonprofit’s 35th anniversary of serving more than four million families annually, and its 27th year partnering with Scholastic as publisher, sponsor, and donor. This assortment of books features titles for ages up to five that represent a diverse roster of voices and cultures, enabling young children to broaden their reading experiences.

“Children from all backgrounds will open a book to find kids who look like them and see stories about families like their own—or they’ll discover a window into the lives and cultures of other kids and families,” said CEO Marty Martinez. He cited Read Out and Read’s research revealing that parents who frequently read to their children help to promote stronger familial bonds and instill a greater sense of self and well-being in their child. “But more than 60% of kids in low-income families don’t have books at home, and we can aim to reduce that number,” Martinez said.

Read the full article at Publishers Weekly here.

ARC Seattle, a show on KOMO News, also covered 35 for 35.

(Video credit: KOMO News)

Good Day Seattle, a show on Fox 13 Seattle, highlighted 35 for 35.

(Video credit: Fox 13 Seattle)

InFocus, a show on New York’s Spectrum News 1, spotlighted 35 for 35 on the show’s Pride episode.

(Video credit: Spectrum News NY 1)

Also: Reach Out and Read celebrates milestone through inclusive books (Spectrum News 1)

“It’s almost like a little gift that we can give to families,” pediatrics specialist Karol Hyjek said. “I particularly love just explaining how they can use the books. Some of the books don’t have a lot of words, but you can, you know, explain the pictures, explain the colors and just form a conversation with a child even at the earliest age to kind of explain things to them.” 

Read the full article at Spectrum News 1 here.

Also: Reach Out and Read Celebrates 35th Anniversary with 35 for 35 (New York Family)

“We collaborated with Scholastic on this collection because of their reach and ability to work with publishing partners to include as many titles, authors and illustrators as possible,” Martinez said in a press release. “Through our network of clinicians, we will now put those meaningful, joyous books in the hands of families who might not otherwise have them.”

Read the full article at New York Family here.

The story appeared in a variety of media, including FOX 21, AP News, American Publisher Today, the Scholastic Reads podcast, and United States Newswire.