Reach Out and Read News

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(Pediatric Meltdown) Are Your Kids Being Left Behind in the Literacy Race? Find Out How Equitable Access to Reading Can Change the Game! Every child deserves a fair start in life, but the stark reality is that not every youngster is on an even playing field when it comes to early literacy. In this week’s […]
(All About Books) “Science has told us for many years that learning begins from birth — so let’s choose books that support shared book reading right from the start … It’s about offering choices for parents and caregivers that they’ll enjoy reading aloud, creating opportunities for loving interactions, and strengthening that all-important relationship for years […]
(LIVE! IN THE BAY) Executive Director of Reach Out and Read Bay Area Artavia Berry joined host Olivia Horton to chat about their mission to help promote literacy and the importance of diversity in children’s books. “The premise of our work is to promote early relational health as well as early reading using pediatricians as our primary […]
(The UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute) In January 2024, co-principal investigators Melanie Livet, PhD, and Caryn Ward, PhD, launched a two-year project, “Transforming Implementation Practice in Early Childhood through the Development of a Professional Learning Program to support Practitioners’ Implementation Capabilities.” This undertaking is a partnership between Reach Out and Read in North Carolina and […]
( If you’re a parent or caregiver, you know the phrase “sleep like a baby” is often used too loosely. A baby’s sleep can be fickle at best and sleeping patterns can vary from child to child. This is why there’s so much advice on sleep training, routines and ways to help your baby (and […]
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